Karma Cola - Karma Cola / 330ml
BioGro Certified Organic • Fairtrade
The world drinks 1.9 billion coke drinks every day but the people behind the name ingredient have never earned a cent. So Karma Cola decided to do something about that. Every time someone buys a bottle of Karma Cola proceeds go back to the people who grow cola in Boma village, Sierra Leone.
Karma Cola's original recipe combines cola nut from the Boma village in Sierra Leone with vanilla bean grown by the Forest Garden Growers Association in Sri Lanka and organically grown sugar cane from the Suminter Organic Farmers Consortium in Maharashtra India.
We use organic malt extract for flavour and colour instead of artificial colouring, preservatives or phosphoric acid (a cheap chemical ingredient that adds acidity to conventional cola and is good for removing rust).
Funds from sales of Karma Cola have already built a bridge connecting two parts of the village that couldn't be crossed easily, send 60 girls to school, sponsored an HIV/AIDS dance troupe, built a rice huller to provide food for future months, supported 75 farmers through a seed bank, funded 4 teacher’s who teach 207 children, rehabilitated 12 forest farms, and looked after 2000 people during the Ebola crisis. Miraculously nobody was infected.
The design of the Karma Cola bottle blends African imagery with the Eastern idea of karma and the western idea of ‘cola’. The blue and red iconic design represents the African water spirit, Mami Wata, who embodies both good and evil.